Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow

Monday, May 16, 2005

really creepy....mantra chant.....

When you begin to dance, and cannot stop, you become a dancer,

When you begin to sing and cannot stop, you become a singer,

When you begin to write, and cannot stop, you become a writer,

When you begin to bye and sell and cannot stop, you become a businessman,

When you begin to construct and cannot stop, you become a construction worker,

When you begin to compose and cannot stop you become a composer,

When you begin to learn and cannot stop you become a scholar,

When you begin to lie and cannot stop you become a liar,

When you begin to create and cannot stop you become an artist,

When you begin to love and cannot stop, you become God.

And than anything you do is divine, for nothing can withstand the glory of God:

A divine writer, a divine singer, a divine writer, a divine businessman, a divine construction worker, a divine scholar, a divine liar, a divine artist…


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